Helping you live
your best life

Welcome to Bunya Wealth Group.

After working for 30 or so years, we arrive at the ‘right place’ for retirement. We can now benefit from all the years of hard work and live off the proceeds, in the form of interest, income and dividends

At Bunya Wealth, our aim is to help you arrive at that ‘right place’ in your financial journey, meet your financial goals and live a comfortable retirement. Our approach is akin to the patience and care required to nurture a Bunya tree, which yields a bountiful harvest after many years of steady growth.

Services to help you grow.

Whether you have a specific need such as helping your children with their education expenses, making sure your insurance cover meets your needs or you’re considering how to develop and implement a tailored retirement, wealth creation, or wealth management plan, we can help.

No matter what your stage in life, we can help you navigate the prevailing economic & financial waters with:

Financial Planning

Superannuation Solutions

Retirement Planning

Taxation Management

Estate Planning

Inheritance Advice

Insurance & Risk Management

Investment Advice

Centrelink Guidance & Planning

Helping improve your knowledge

Take the next step. Talk to us today.

If you want to find the answers and make the most of your financial journey, it’s important to have an advisor who can help you along the way. That’s exactly what you can expect from Bunya Wealth — we will get to know you, understand how you see your future, and identify clear steps to help you plan for it on your terms.

Meet with us
Take the next step. Talk to our team today.